Natural Skin Remedies

The skin can come under a variety of ailments due to poor lifestyle choices and genetic makeup. For some, using harsh, commercially made products to alleviate skin ailments procures more ill than good. Some treatments are simply too harsh for some skin types, and in those cases, natural remedies are always better suited.

Natural Skin Remedies

Some of the most common skin conditions, that can be treated with inexpensive natural remedies include

Oily Skin

  1. Mix ½ cup cooked oatmeal, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and ½ cup mashed apple into a smooth paste. Apply it to face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then with cold water to close the pores.

Dry Skin

  1. Alder buckthorn (Frangular alnus), available from herbalists as a tincture or in syrup can be used as to make a lotion for dry skin. Steep 100 grams of the twig bark in 1 litre of boiling water. Allow it to cool, then apply as a lotion or compress.
  2. Use scented vegetable oils, like sesame oil, to massage the skin. The oil softens the skin by preventing perspiration or other moisture from washing away natural oils.


  1. Obtain 2-3 teaspoons dried basil leaves and 1 cup boiling water. Steep basil leaves in water for 10 – 20 minutes. Cool and then apply to face with a cotton ball.
  2. Create a skin scrub with
  • ½ cup oats
  • ½ cup brown rice
  • ¼ cup dried comfrey
  • ¼ cup dried oregano
  • 1/8 cup anise seed
  • ½ cup calendula
  • 1 ½ cups clay
  • ¼ cup myrrh
  • 1 drop tea tree essential oil, and
  • 1 drop lavender essential oil.
  • Grind and sift all ingredients, except oils, until powdery. Add oils and stir well. Store in a jar. To use, add a small amount of water to approximately one teaspoon of scrub and massage it all over face. Leave for a few minutes then rinse with warm water; follow with a splash of cold water to close pores.

Freckles and Age Spots

  1. Make freckle lotion from 1 oz. Of powdered alum and 1 oz. Of lemon juice in a pint of rose water. Shake well and apply.
  2. Brown spots can be treated with a paste made from mashing 1/3 cup of chickpeas in a little water. Smear on paste and leave until dry to cracking. Wash off completely. Use mixture daily or as needed.
  3. Papaya juice helps remove skin blemishes and lighten freckles. Squeeze the juice straight from the papaya and rub it into the skin. An enzyme in the juice removes dead skin cells resulting in smooth skin.


  1. Mix ground flaxseed with flaxseed oil and a bit of raw honey. Apply to wart, and if the wart is on the foot, put on a cotton sock. Change the poultice daily and the wart should dry up in two or three days.
  2. Coat warts several times daily with spirits of camphor. In a few weeks, the warts will be gone leaving no marks behind.
  3. Massage warts with castor oil twice daily. They will peel off in layers leaving smooth soft skin.

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