Migraine Remedy

A migraine is characterised by flare ups that are referred to as migraine attacks, and contrary to popular understanding, headaches are just one symptom of those attacks. The remedies for migraines do not only relate to headaches, but can help with a variety of other symptoms commonly associated with migraines, like: nausea, vomiting and strong and painful reactions to light and loud noises.

Migraine Remedies

The natural remedies for migraines incorporate the use of herbal and other natural ingredients to combat one or more of the migraine signs and symptoms. Home remedies offers cheap and quick relief of migraine discomfort without the use of prescription drugs.

Natural Remedies

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan)

5-HTP is a naturally occurring compound produced in the body by the amino acid trytophan. Its main purpose in the body is to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin. 5-HTP is available in supplement form, made from seeds of the African plant: Griffonia Simplicifolia.
Since traditional drugs that affect the levels of serotonin are used to alleviate migraines, 5-HTP is being explored as an alternative natural remedy. 5-HTP has the potential to prevent and reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.


Magnesium mineral is found naturally in green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, in whole grain foods and in nutritional supplements. The mineral is necessary for more than 300 biochemical reactions and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Studies looking at the effectiveness of magnesium for migraine have yielded promising results. Some studies find that magnesium reduces the severity and frequency of migraines, but not all studies have confirmed it, so more are needed.


Butterbur is shrub-like herbal plant growing in regions of Asia, Europe and North America. Extracts are taken from the herb and are used to treat migraines, stomach cramps, coughs, allergies and asthma.
Studies have suggested that butterbur is not only good for alleviating, but also preventing migraine symptoms. Butterbur is part of the ragweed plant family, and so people who are allergic to ragweed, marigold, daisy, or chrysanthemum should not use butterbur.
The raw form of the herb, as well as teas, extracts and capsules made from the raw herb should not be used as they contain substances that are toxic to the liver and kidneys, and may even cause cancer. The daily recommended dose of butterbur products is no more than one microgram per day.

Home Remedies

  1. Wet a small towel, then squeeze, not wring, some of the water out. Fold it and place it into a freezer. Leave it for 5 minutes or until the towel starts to stiffen. Unfold and refold the towel putting the frozen section in the middle and the wet sections to the outside. When the towel is reasonable frozen all over, place around the head and eyes.
  2. Relax in a quite darkened room and allow someone to massage your scalp for about 10 minutes. Massage the head but not the temples. Try massaging with the ice towel wrap on the head and eyes.

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